Admission Arrangements
All applications for school places are dealt with by Norfolk County Council.
There is one reception intake a year, in September. The PAN (pupil admission number) is 16.
Children who are 5 years old between September 1st and August 31st will be offered full-time education. Those under five may attend half days until October or January by arrangement with the Head.
In the event of over-subscription following the policy of Norfolk County Council, preference will be given to children living nearer to the school according to the following criteria, in order of priority.
1) Children for whom their Statement of Special Educational Needs names the school
Children who reside within the designated area and:
2) Have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission.
3) Have no sibling connection with the school.
Children who reside outside the designated area and:
4) Have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission.
5) Have no sibling connection with the school
In the event of over subscription in any of these criteria then those living closest to the school will be given priority.
Children who are to be admitted in September are invited to join us for several sessions during the summer term. During this introductory period, parents will be informed of our day-to-day procedures and what their child might experience during his/her first few months at school.
Link to Norfolk County Council In-Year Admissions page: